We are based in Trissino, a well known goldsmith district, only a few kilometers from Vicenza, the place where the art and the ancient goldsmith production has always been a strong reality. The town was well-known at the time of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for its precious manufactures, which were very popular among the aristocrats. According to many objects and jewelry findings dating back to the 2nd-1st century B.C., the processing of gold in Vicenza would date back to the Paleolithic Age in Veneto, which corresponds to the Iron Age.Not only Vicenza is the city of gold, but it is also the city of Palladio: an endless source of inspiration for whoever is able to capture the beauty from the polyhedral shades and turn them into precious art.
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Aurum S.r.l.
Via del Lavoro, 32 – 36070 Trissino (VI) – Italy
Email: info@aurumsrl.com
Phone: +39 0445 490530
Fax: +39 0445 490244
REA VI 192541
P.IVA IT01899100240